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Regulations & Procedures Related to School Assessment
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Assessment and Examination Regulations
Regulations & Procedures Related to School Assessment
Regulations & Procedures Related to Internal School Based Assessment
Regulations & Procedures Related to Examinations
Absentees during Assessment
Regulations & Procedures Relating to Bibliographies

Regulations & Procedures Related to School Assessment (including SBA)

1 Students should know the following Standing Instructions concerning Examinations.
  1. Ensuring they have a copy of the subject Course Outline and understand that assessment including SBA tasks are part of the learning and teaching of the respective subject; the process of SBA, including feedback from teachers, helps develop skills and knowledge that may be reflected in public examinations; and that learning through SBA complements learning in other parts of the curriculum.
  2. Becoming familiar with the task requirements, the assessment criteria, critical dates, school regulations, and the procedures for any assessment, including SBA.
  3. Completing assessment tasks on time, honestly and responsibly, in accordance with the stipulated requirements.
  4. Keeping safe and in an unmodified form assessments that may be returned including SBA-related work until the end of the examination cycle and present it for inspection at any time if requested by the school or the HKEAA. Note: La Salle College will store all SBA scripts. See 16.
2 Provision of Information to Students
Students are to be given a Course Outline in the first week of the academic year including the following headings:
  1. Course Aims & Objectives
  2. Course Outline – a schedule of topics covered
  3. Continuous Assessment – a schedule of components, dates and/or week, weighting, criteria etc.
  4. Exams – a schedule of components, dates and/or week, weighting, criteria etc.
  5. Resources – any information about texts, resources etc.
  6. Regulations and procedures – other information especially in relation to any SBA.
Assessments are to be returned promptly in order to fulfil its function in the teaching and learning cycle i.e. preferably within one teaching cycle. Continuous assessment and other formative assessment are to include comments on student’s strengths, weaknesses and advice on improvement.

SBA assessment is to be returned for checking as soon as possible after completion therefore internal and external moderation must be planned and expeditious in nature. The final SBA mark is to be checked and confirmed by students from the marking rubric before SBA scripts are handed back to the teacher for storage and marks entered on school and EAA recording systems.

3 Timing of Assessments
The College will issue a Form 1-3 and a Form 4-6 Assessment Calendar in the first week of the academic year which will give an indication of what assessments are scheduled each week for students to plan and avoid missing assessments.
4 Hand in Procedures
Assessments must be handed to the subject teacher on the due date (unless alternate arrangements have been granted – see 8).

5 Language Requirements
Students are to complete their assessment tasks in English, the medium of instruction of the College, except for Chinese, Chinese History, and Putonghua, which are to be submitted in the language of delivery. Preparatory work and primary source data may be in languages other than English.

6 Authenticity and Malpractice
Panel Heads are responsible, to the best of their ability, for authenticity, equity, fairness, and security issues relevant to an assessment. Beforehand the Panel Head will evaluate if there are any authenticity risks involved (incl plagiarism) and take steps to make sure they are minimized.

The subject teacher when marking any assessment is to be vigilant in monitoring for authenticity and malpractice (to the best of their ability) and is to inform the Panel Head of any concern. Teachers must also be confident that the assessment work has been processed and produced by the student.

For SBA tasks, students will be required to sign a Declaration Form to confirm that the work they produce for marking is their own. Teachers are required to complete a statement confirming the work is the students work when submitting SBA marks on line

7 Plagiarism and Other Malpractice Procedures
In the case of suspected plagiarism or malpractice the subject teacher should let the Panel Head know that they are investigating a possibility of plagiarism and/or malpractice and -
  1. Discuss the work with the student.
  2. If unresolved the student should be referred by the subject teacher to the Panel Head.
  3. The Panel Head should question the student about the work.
  4. If the Panel Head has concerns of plagiarism or malpractice after investigating the case the Panel Head should refer the matter to the Vice Principal (Academic) or Subject SBA Coordinator who in turn will consult the VP Academic for further investigation.
  5. Finally, if the Vice Principal has any concerns of plagiarism or malpractice the VP is to provide a written report and recommendation to the Principal about the outcome of the investigation. If plagiarism or malpractice is proven, the Principal may issue one or more of the following consequences:
    i. Issue a warning letter to the student
    ii. Deduct marks from the task
    iii. Award zero marks for the task concerned
    iv. Award zero marks for the whole SBA component of the final grade
    [At La Salle College if the case of plagiarism is proven it is most likely the student will be awarded a zero grade for the assessment task]
  6. Malpractice during Internal Exams is reported by the Chief Invigilator to the Vice Principal Academic and is managed by the Discipline and Assessment Team.
  7. If a student does not hand in the required SBA work, Panel Heads are to follow the instructions in the Handbook issued by HKEAA and inform parents of any unfinished task by the student. After repeated warnings, if the student still fails to complete the assessment as prescribed by HKEAA, the School may report on it in personal references or overseas school applications.
8 Foreseen and Un-Foreseen Absences from Assessment (incl SBA and Exams)
It is expected that students complete all assessments as per their subject assessment calendar. CA and SBA by nature are more formative and with planning and prior arrangements students may be able to arrange to complete tasks ahead of schedule, or at another time. Such arrangements must be applied for in writing and are at the discretion of the Principal. In such cases, students must hand in a parent letter and a medical certificate. Students may be given a zero mark if reason of absence is deemed invalid/illegitimate to the school. (Normally, apart from medical reasons, the school seldom accepts other reasons.)

A student who has missed an assessment will still be expected to hand in the missed work for the course as it is considered essential learning that is examinable in the final exam.
Foreseen Absences:
  1. It is vital that a student who is aware that they will be absent for an assessment or exam (or absent for a considerable amount of class time) must inform their teacher prior to their absence and apply in writing for approval of alternate arrangements from the Principal.
  2. The teacher will inform the Panel Head.
  3. The Principal on receipt of the written request will consult the Panel Head, the student, and the parent/guardian. If the request is deemed to be valid/legitimate the Principal may:
    - grant an extension,
    - approve another or later opportunity to complete the assessment,
    - or will award a grade, where evidence of work completed (or similar work) has been recorded,
    - or indicate that no grade is to be awarded.
Valid/legitimate reasons for granting alternate arrangements for an assessment or SBA include:
  1. In hospital and unable to complete the assessment or alternate assessment at this time or at a later time as advised by the medical authorities
  2. Representing Hong Kong or China in competitions
  3. Courses/training programmes imposed by Hong Kong and/or Chinese Associations
  4. International Exams beyond the control of the student
    [Stress will not normally be considered a legitimate valid reason for requesting alternate arrangements as the College seeks to train and form resilient young men who are experienced in managing stress]
Un-Foreseen Absences:
If a student misses an assessment for an Un-foreseen circumstance such as hospitalization, funeral of a parent or sibling, train delay/accident, or an ‘act of God’, the Principal will investigate the evidence and if valid/legitimate may:
- grant an extension,
- approve another or later opportunity to complete the assessment,
- or will award a grade, where evidence of work completed (or similar work) has been recorded.
If a student is absent due to prolonged illness (e.g. absent for 2 months) and misses assessment tasks, Panel Heads, after consulting the Principal, can award an “F” for the SBA. According to HKEAA regulations, “F” means failing to attend the assessment.
Students with exceptional reason can apply for an exemption of SBA from HKEAA, subject to the approval of the Principal.

Absence as a Result of Self-Interest:
If a student misses an assessment because of leave due to self-interest, no extension can be granted, nor can a student sit the assessment at a later time, although the teacher may ask the student to sit the task as part of the curriculum. A zero mark will be given. Self-interest leave will include:
  1. family vacations,
  2. driving lessons,
  3. non-medical appointments etc.
  4. self-selected courses/training programmes
9 Special Assessment Conditions for Students with Special Education Needs
Students requiring extra assistance, due to a specific learning difficulty, must be identified by the subject teacher early in the academic year and reported to the Special Needs Coordinator to enable sufficient time for thorough testing to take place. Using evidence from testing the SENCO will make a recommendation to the Vice Principal and, if applicable, the SBA Coordinator, that an application for Special Assessment Conditions is to be made for either school based assessment and/or HKEAA SBA and HKEAA Examinations. (Special Assistance may include extra time, a reader, a writer, separate accommodation, a computer, and/or enlarged examination papers, Braille etc.) The school will offer the same support for school assessments as it seeks from the HKEAA for examinations.

10 Appeals
  1. Teachers at all times will endeavour to avoid appeals by making students fully aware of the reasons for the assessment judgements made.
  2. A student has the right to appeal a grade or a ruling on the grounds of a breach of assessment rules. The following procedure is to be applied:
Appeal Process
Step 1 Student/Parent enter discussion with teacher concerning the grade or ruling. This must be done within five school days of the return of the student’s graded assessment/SBA work.

Step 2 If the case is unresolved the student/parent may approach the Panel Head in writing (an Appeals Form is available from the College office).

Step 3 If the matter is still unresolved the student/parent can appeal to the Principal, who will establish an Appeals Panel comprised of the Principal, the SBA Coordinator and the Vice Principal (Academic). The Panel will interview the student, the subject teacher, and the Panel Head. Based on the results of the investigation the Panel will determine if the appeal is valid and take appropriate action to resolve the case.

For SBA assessment, schools are expected to resolve SBA appeals before submitting final SBA marks to the HKEAA. After the release of the HKDSE students can apply for a rechecking of marks including SBA but this does not include a re-assessment of the SBA mark.
11 Moderation: Internal Moderation
  1. All College assessment will be moderated internally to ensure that a consistent standard of marking occurs for all students in all Forms in all assessments.
  2. Internal moderation of all assessments will be the responsibility of each Panel Head.
  3. Assessments and their marking schedule/rubric must have been checked for correctness before use.
  4. A Panel Head must make a decision on the interclass internal moderation process before the assessment is used.
  5. Internal moderation and verification of grade judgements must have occurred before grades are entered into SAMS.
12 Moderation: External Moderation
  1. ALL SBA, in addition to internal moderation, is to be moderated externally by a subject specialist or via a cluster school panel. Random samples or top/middle/bottom range scripts may be exchanged for external review and moderation prior to scripts and final marks being returned to students.
  2. In addition the HKEAA will use a statistical method adjusting the average and spread of scores submitted based on the external exam average and spread, and will also establish a random external moderation of scripts in due course.
13 Non Achieving Students or Students who wish to Drop a Course
  1. Students select a full course of subjects with the expectation that they will complete a full course of study at La Salle College.
  2. A student may be withdrawn from a course by applying in writing to the Principal. Such a consideration will be viewed as exceptional and such an application may only be made after the start of the F6 year. The Principal will consult the Panel Head, subject teacher, the student, and his family in making his decision.
14 Repeaters, Transfer Students, and Private Students
Repeaters are students who have already sat the HKDSE in previous years and who are currently enrolled as F6 students to retake the exam.
Repeaters must re-sit all the F6 core subjects and F6 SBA (SBA completed in previous years will not be counted). Likewise, if a repeater re-sits an elective subject the student must be reassessed in both the SBA and the external examination. If a student re-enrols in an elective previously taken, but not taught at La Salle College, then he can apply to have the SBA exempted but he must resit the public exam again under La Salle College.

Transfer students are those who are sitting the HKDSE for the first time in F6 but who have transferred to another school after F5. These students must complete all F6 course requirements of their new school including F6 SBA. The SBA completed in F5 in another school will not be counted. The HKDSE will account for this.

Both repeaters and transfer students submit SBA for F6 only. Repeaters or transfer students in F5 are not considered repeaters or transfer students for the purpose of the HKDSE or SBA and must complete all F5 course requirements including SBA.

Private candidates are not required to complete any SBA and their HKDSE will be based on the examination only.

15 Recording of Results
CA, Exam Marks, and SBA
The Panel Head, SBA Subject Coordinator, SAMS Coordinator, and HKEAA Coordinator work together to ensure accurate, efficient, and timely entry of grades.

Record Keeping for SB
Schools are required to keep records of student’s grades until the end of the examination cycle appeals process after the release of public assessment results of any academic year. Such records include copies of SBA assessment tasks, their marking schedules/rubrics, associated notes and/ or resources, along with a range of sample exemplars, student’s grades, and documentation of any special or irregular cases.

Such records are to be handed to the Panel Head prior to a teacher leaving during the course of the year to ensure the smooth handover of SBA records and the status of student’s SBA tasks.

Note: Once Report Cards have been issued Grades are complete and final.

16 Storage of Student Work
The College will store all SBA scripts until the end of the assessment process, as it may be required for inspection at the request of the school or the HKEAA.

17 Safety & Security of Assessments and Assessment Data
  1. All assessment tasks are to be kept safe and secure by procedures set out by the Panel Head to ensure the same fairness as in public examinations, particularly in the case of SBA which contributes to the public examination grade.
  2. To prevent potential or perceived conflict of interest, teachers conducting SBA will be required to declare whether students they assess are their relatives (children, brothers/ sisters, nephews/nieces, cousins, or others living in the same home) submitted through the HKEAA School based Assessment system.
  3. Staff are aware/adheres to the Privacy Act in relation to the grades of students.

Regulations & Procedures Related to School Assessment (including SBA)

1 Students should know the following Standing Instructions concerning Examinations.
  1. Ensuring they have a copy of the subject Course Outline and understand that assessment including SBA tasks are part of the learning and teaching of the respective subject; the process of SBA, including feedback from teachers, helps develop skills and knowledge that may be reflected in public examinations; and that learning through SBA complements learning in other parts of the curriculum.
  2. Becoming familiar with the task requirements, the assessment criteria, critical dates, school regulations, and the procedures for any assessment, including SBA.
  3. Completing assessment tasks on time, honestly and responsibly, in accordance with the stipulated requirements.
  4. Keeping safe and in an unmodified form assessments that may be returned including SBA-related work until the end of the examination cycle and present it for inspection at any time if requested by the school or the HKEAA. Note: La Salle College will store all SBA scripts. See 16.
2 Provision of Information to Students
Students are to be given a Course Outline in the first week of the academic year including the following headings:
  1. Course Aims & Objectives
  2. Course Outline – a schedule of topics covered
  3. Continuous Assessment – a schedule of components, dates and/or week, weighting, criteria etc.
  4. Exams – a schedule of components, dates and/or week, weighting, criteria etc.
  5. Resources – any information about texts, resources etc.
  6. Regulations and procedures – other information especially in relation to any SBA.
Assessments are to be returned promptly in order to fulfil its function in the teaching and learning cycle i.e. preferably within one teaching cycle. Continuous assessment and other formative assessment are to include comments on student’s strengths, weaknesses and advice on improvement.

SBA assessment is to be returned for checking as soon as possible after completion therefore internal and external moderation must be planned and expeditious in nature. The final SBA mark is to be checked and confirmed by students from the marking rubric before SBA scripts are handed back to the teacher for storage and marks entered on school and EAA recording systems.

3 Timing of Assessments
The College will issue a Form 1-3 and a Form 4-6 Assessment Calendar in the first week of the academic year which will give an indication of what assessments are scheduled each week for students to plan and avoid missing assessments.
4 Hand in Procedures
Assessments must be handed to the subject teacher on the due date (unless alternate arrangements have been granted – see 8).

5 Language Requirements
Students are to complete their assessment tasks in English, the medium of instruction of the College, except for Chinese, Chinese History, and Putonghua, which are to be submitted in the language of delivery. Preparatory work and primary source data may be in languages other than English.

6 Authenticity and Malpractice
Panel Heads are responsible, to the best of their ability, for authenticity, equity, fairness, and security issues relevant to an assessment. Beforehand the Panel Head will evaluate if there are any authenticity risks involved (incl plagiarism) and take steps to make sure they are minimized.

The subject teacher when marking any assessment is to be vigilant in monitoring for authenticity and malpractice (to the best of their ability) and is to inform the Panel Head of any concern. Teachers must also be confident that the assessment work has been processed and produced by the student.

For SBA tasks, students will be required to sign a Declaration Form to confirm that the work they produce for marking is their own. Teachers are required to complete a statement confirming the work is the students work when submitting SBA marks on line

7 Plagiarism and Other Malpractice Procedures
In the case of suspected plagiarism or malpractice the subject teacher should let the Panel Head know that they are investigating a possibility of plagiarism and/or malpractice and -
  1. Discuss the work with the student.
  2. If unresolved the student should be referred by the subject teacher to the Panel Head.
  3. The Panel Head should question the student about the work.
  4. If the Panel Head has concerns of plagiarism or malpractice after investigating the case the Panel Head should refer the matter to the Vice Principal (Academic) or Subject SBA Coordinator who in turn will consult the VP Academic for further investigation.
  5. Finally, if the Vice Principal has any concerns of plagiarism or malpractice the VP is to provide a written report and recommendation to the Principal about the outcome of the investigation. If plagiarism or malpractice is proven, the Principal may issue one or more of the following consequences:
    i. Issue a warning letter to the student
    ii. Deduct marks from the task
    iii. Award zero marks for the task concerned
    iv. Award zero marks for the whole SBA component of the final grade
    [At La Salle College if the case of plagiarism is proven it is most likely the student will be awarded a zero grade for the assessment task]
  6. Malpractice during Internal Exams is reported by the Chief Invigilator to the Vice Principal Academic and is managed by the Discipline and Assessment Team.
  7. If a student does not hand in the required SBA work, Panel Heads are to follow the instructions in the Handbook issued by HKEAA and inform parents of any unfinished task by the student. After repeated warnings, if the student still fails to complete the assessment as prescribed by HKEAA, the School may report on it in personal references or overseas school applications.
8 Foreseen and Un-Foreseen Absences from Assessment (incl SBA and Exams)
It is expected that students complete all assessments as per their subject assessment calendar. CA and SBA by nature are more formative and with planning and prior arrangements students may be able to arrange to complete tasks ahead of schedule, or at another time. Such arrangements must be applied for in writing and are at the discretion of the Principal. In such cases, students must hand in a parent letter and a medical certificate. Students may be given a zero mark if reason of absence is deemed invalid/illegitimate to the school. (Normally, apart from medical reasons, the school seldom accepts other reasons.)

A student who has missed an assessment will still be expected to hand in the missed work for the course as it is considered essential learning that is examinable in the final exam.
Foreseen Absences:
  1. It is vital that a student who is aware that they will be absent for an assessment or exam (or absent for a considerable amount of class time) must inform their teacher prior to their absence and apply in writing for approval of alternate arrangements from the Principal.
  2. The teacher will inform the Panel Head.
  3. The Principal on receipt of the written request will consult the Panel Head, the student, and the parent/guardian. If the request is deemed to be valid/legitimate the Principal may:
    - grant an extension,
    - approve another or later opportunity to complete the assessment,
    - or will award a grade, where evidence of work completed (or similar work) has been recorded,
    - or indicate that no grade is to be awarded.
Valid/legitimate reasons for granting alternate arrangements for an assessment or SBA include:
  1. In hospital and unable to complete the assessment or alternate assessment at this time or at a later time as advised by the medical authorities
  2. Representing Hong Kong or China in competitions
  3. Courses/training programmes imposed by Hong Kong and/or Chinese Associations
  4. International Exams beyond the control of the student
    [Stress will not normally be considered a legitimate valid reason for requesting alternate arrangements as the College seeks to train and form resilient young men who are experienced in managing stress]
Un-Foreseen Absences:
If a student misses an assessment for an Un-foreseen circumstance such as hospitalization, funeral of a parent or sibling, train delay/accident, or an ‘act of God’, the Principal will investigate the evidence and if valid/legitimate may:
- grant an extension,
- approve another or later opportunity to complete the assessment,
- or will award a grade, where evidence of work completed (or similar work) has been recorded.
If a student is absent due to prolonged illness (e.g. absent for 2 months) and misses assessment tasks, Panel Heads, after consulting the Principal, can award an “F” for the SBA. According to HKEAA regulations, “F” means failing to attend the assessment.
Students with exceptional reason can apply for an exemption of SBA from HKEAA, subject to the approval of the Principal.

Absence as a Result of Self-Interest:
If a student misses an assessment because of leave due to self-interest, no extension can be granted, nor can a student sit the assessment at a later time, although the teacher may ask the student to sit the task as part of the curriculum. A zero mark will be given. Self-interest leave will include:
  1. family vacations,
  2. driving lessons,
  3. non-medical appointments etc.
  4. self-selected courses/training programmes
9 Special Assessment Conditions for Students with Special Education Needs
Students requiring extra assistance, due to a specific learning difficulty, must be identified by the subject teacher early in the academic year and reported to the Special Needs Coordinator to enable sufficient time for thorough testing to take place. Using evidence from testing the SENCO will make a recommendation to the Vice Principal and, if applicable, the SBA Coordinator, that an application for Special Assessment Conditions is to be made for either school based assessment and/or HKEAA SBA and HKEAA Examinations. (Special Assistance may include extra time, a reader, a writer, separate accommodation, a computer, and/or enlarged examination papers, Braille etc.) The school will offer the same support for school assessments as it seeks from the HKEAA for examinations.

10 Appeals
  1. Teachers at all times will endeavour to avoid appeals by making students fully aware of the reasons for the assessment judgements made.
  2. A student has the right to appeal a grade or a ruling on the grounds of a breach of assessment rules. The following procedure is to be applied:
Appeal Process
Step 1 Student/Parent enter discussion with teacher concerning the grade or ruling. This must be done within five school days of the return of the student’s graded assessment/SBA work.

Step 2 If the case is unresolved the student/parent may approach the Panel Head in writing (an Appeals Form is available from the College office).

Step 3 If the matter is still unresolved the student/parent can appeal to the Principal, who will establish an Appeals Panel comprised of the Principal, the SBA Coordinator and the Vice Principal (Academic). The Panel will interview the student, the subject teacher, and the Panel Head. Based on the results of the investigation the Panel will determine if the appeal is valid and take appropriate action to resolve the case.

For SBA assessment, schools are expected to resolve SBA appeals before submitting final SBA marks to the HKEAA. After the release of the HKDSE students can apply for a rechecking of marks including SBA but this does not include a re-assessment of the SBA mark.
11 Moderation: Internal Moderation
  1. All College assessment will be moderated internally to ensure that a consistent standard of marking occurs for all students in all Forms in all assessments.
  2. Internal moderation of all assessments will be the responsibility of each Panel Head.
  3. Assessments and their marking schedule/rubric must have been checked for correctness before use.
  4. A Panel Head must make a decision on the interclass internal moderation process before the assessment is used.
  5. Internal moderation and verification of grade judgements must have occurred before grades are entered into SAMS.
12 Moderation: External Moderation
  1. ALL SBA, in addition to internal moderation, is to be moderated externally by a subject specialist or via a cluster school panel. Random samples or top/middle/bottom range scripts may be exchanged for external review and moderation prior to scripts and final marks being returned to students.
  2. In addition the HKEAA will use a statistical method adjusting the average and spread of scores submitted based on the external exam average and spread, and will also establish a random external moderation of scripts in due course.
13 Non Achieving Students or Students who wish to Drop a Course
  1. Students select a full course of subjects with the expectation that they will complete a full course of study at La Salle College.
  2. A student may be withdrawn from a course by applying in writing to the Principal. Such a consideration will be viewed as exceptional and such an application may only be made after the start of the F6 year. The Principal will consult the Panel Head, subject teacher, the student, and his family in making his decision.
14 Repeaters, Transfer Students, and Private Students
Repeaters are students who have already sat the HKDSE in previous years and who are currently enrolled as F6 students to retake the exam.
Repeaters must re-sit all the F6 core subjects and F6 SBA (SBA completed in previous years will not be counted). Likewise, if a repeater re-sits an elective subject the student must be reassessed in both the SBA and the external examination. If a student re-enrols in an elective previously taken, but not taught at La Salle College, then he can apply to have the SBA exempted but he must resit the public exam again under La Salle College.

Transfer students are those who are sitting the HKDSE for the first time in F6 but who have transferred to another school after F5. These students must complete all F6 course requirements of their new school including F6 SBA. The SBA completed in F5 in another school will not be counted. The HKDSE will account for this.

Both repeaters and transfer students submit SBA for F6 only. Repeaters or transfer students in F5 are not considered repeaters or transfer students for the purpose of the HKDSE or SBA and must complete all F5 course requirements including SBA.

Private candidates are not required to complete any SBA and their HKDSE will be based on the examination only.

15 Recording of Results
CA, Exam Marks, and SBA
The Panel Head, SBA Subject Coordinator, SAMS Coordinator, and HKEAA Coordinator work together to ensure accurate, efficient, and timely entry of grades.

Record Keeping for SB
Schools are required to keep records of student’s grades until the end of the examination cycle appeals process after the release of public assessment results of any academic year. Such records include copies of SBA assessment tasks, their marking schedules/rubrics, associated notes and/ or resources, along with a range of sample exemplars, student’s grades, and documentation of any special or irregular cases.

Such records are to be handed to the Panel Head prior to a teacher leaving during the course of the year to ensure the smooth handover of SBA records and the status of student’s SBA tasks.

Note: Once Report Cards have been issued Grades are complete and final.

16 Storage of Student Work
The College will store all SBA scripts until the end of the assessment process, as it may be required for inspection at the request of the school or the HKEAA.

17 Safety & Security of Assessments and Assessment Data
  1. All assessment tasks are to be kept safe and secure by procedures set out by the Panel Head to ensure the same fairness as in public examinations, particularly in the case of SBA which contributes to the public examination grade.
  2. To prevent potential or perceived conflict of interest, teachers conducting SBA will be required to declare whether students they assess are their relatives (children, brothers/ sisters, nephews/nieces, cousins, or others living in the same home) submitted through the HKEAA School based Assessment system.
  3. Staff are aware/adheres to the Privacy Act in relation to the grades of students.
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 • Regulations & Procedures Related to Internal School Based Assessment
 • Regulations & Procedures Related to Examinations
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